H+ Creative at Grand Park's Winter Glow

For the second year, H+ Creative is a part of Grand Park’s Winter Glow in Downtown Los Angeles. From December 6th to 25th, the public art and installation of light based art display begins at sunse. Spanning across Grand Avenue to include the new Music Center Plaza, Winter Glow is a celebration of the West Coast’s specific holiday cheer and the sacredness of light this time of year.
H+ will be projecting a video on the stairs on either side of the Arthur J. Will Memorial Fountain. The installation, entitled “Introspections”, features motion graphics of tunnels, lights, hands, all moving and morphing together. Compiled from the H+ artist roster, the video reflects the artists’ relationship to the urban landscape and the motion of the city. From the manipulated graphic tubes of Vincent Viriot to Blake Kathryn's falling bodies, the video presents a thoughtful idea of life and interconnectedness.
Winter glow is free, open to the public, and family friendly. We would love to see you out this holiday season.

Animation by Martin Salfity.