RETRO FUTURISM / Q&A with Prateek Vatash

Prateek Vatash is an artist and illustrator based in India. His work involves neon-infused visuals, often combining 3D and 2D mixed media elements inspired by retro aesthetics, the occult, video games, interior design, and architecture. In his personal work, he enjoys playing with the idea of imperfections, bending rules of graphic design, and experimenting with new traditional and digital art techniques.
In our conversation, Prateek shares his views on following through with art, keeping up with technology, working with dream clients.

H+: 3 words that define your creative output?
Prateek Vatash: Unpredictable, visceral, electric
H+: Where do you find motivation for your creative endeavors?
Prateek Vatash: Most of the motivation comes from the joy of creation beyond anything else. Seeing ideas in my head come to life through skills I may or not have, overcoming the learning curves, and discovering new things along the way is very encouraging to keep at it. I’ve started approaching my art with a new perspective, where I create because I enjoy doing so, being more mindful about the process and not caring too much about the outcome. Not everything I create is meant to be put up for display, and creating without the pressure of making something perfect makes the whole process extremely enjoyable and personal. It motivates me to go deeper and do more of it.

H+: What is the highlight of your days?
Prateek Vatash: Apart from working on new art (which is pretty much the highlight), I look forward to a good gaming session on my PS5, almost every day. It really helps me recharge my creative batteries, and get more ideas and inspiration. I also enjoy spending time with my cat, being outdoors, discovering new films, and reading.
H+: What challenges do you face as an artist?
Prateek Vatash: Being a (primarily) digital artist means always keeping up with the advancements that are happening so often. There is no space to get comfortable with one thing, which means there is a constant need to evolve and experiment. That is equally challenging as it is rewarding, and it keeps things fresh. The challenges could be tough, but it also helps to grow as an artist. And of course, there is the famous imposter syndrome :)

H+: How do you express your emotions through your art?
Prateek Vatash: A lot of the emotions subconsciously show through the things like colours, and the overall vibe. I also write a lot of things while creating, some of which show up as handwritten scripts as part of the visuals. They may or not be easily visible, and also often written in code which could be deciphered if one wants to read more it. It’s a very organic process, and the process feels like leaving a very personal imprint on everything that I create.
H+: If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Prateek Vatash: My dream would have been to work with Madonna. She’s been one of my all-time fave artists, very influential and someone I looked up to since I was a child, in the way how she broke so many norms, always reinventing herself, and expressing herself so unapologetically as an artist.

H+: If you didn't pursue a creative career, what other path would you have chosen?
Prateek Vatash: I would have probably become an architect, or gone into archaeology.

H+: What are your thoughts on parallel universes?
Prateek Vatash: There could definitely be parallel universes, which we could possibly discover. Imagine meeting another version of yourself and living another version of your life. How cool would that be?
H+: Are you open to the possibility of life after death or reincarnation?
Prateek Vatash: Yes, there’s certainly a possibility of life after death. I’ve done a fair bit of reading about reincarnation, and past life regression therapy, which helps us tap into who were before this life, and how that shapes who we are as the person in this life.
H+: How do you perceive the concept of a divine being or higher power?
Prateek Vatash: I do believe in a higher power, it may not be God or something we can define.
I probably see it as the energy around us, which we can feel if we focus our minds.
H+: Do you BELIEVE (in aliens)?
Prateek Vatash: Yes, there’s certainly a possibility of life after death. I’ve done a fair bit of reading about reincarnation, and past life regression therapy, which helps us tap into who were before this life, and how that shapes who we are as the person in this life.
For more information on Prateek Vatash, visit his profile page!