MEET THE ARTIST: FVCKRENDER – Quick Questions in conversation with H+!

You've got questions, we've got what you need!! Get into the mind of H+ talent FVCKRENDER with this quick series of answers!
H+ Creative: Favorite medium or program?
FVCKRENDER: My favorite program is cinema4d and oculus medium, I really like the digital medium because I feel like a child creating in virtual reality!
H+ Creative: How long have you been creating?
FVCKRENDER: I was never really raised in a creative family, and I was introduced to art recently, maybe 3 years ago! I always knew I wanted to create, but never knew how! I used to create clothing when I was 14 years old...
H+ Creative: Creative tip / secret?
FVCKRENDER: The best tip I can give is to let the muse play, don't think too much and nothing is perfect and nothing will be, so you better release something instead of waiting to make it perfect.
H+ Creative: Can you describe your work space?
FVCKRENDER: My workspace is clean and really organized and simple, I thinks its the opposite of my art!