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Coping with COVID-19: Martin Salfity

Martin Salfity is a 3D artist and Animation Director based in London, UK. His work lays on abstract and playful worlds, where a mixture of textures, shapes and colors somehow connect us with more familiar territories as Nature, Art, Science, Technology and Fashion. He’s collaborated with some of the most renowned studios and directors across the globe. We ask him questions on how he's been coping with the restrictions of COVID-19 and staying home:

H+: We love a good home office. Tell us about your workspace!

M: I'm lucky to be living a place that actually works great as an office. I love having quick access to more books and turning the dining table into a desk, wasn't much of a deal. I don't feel the urge to get out from here.....yet. And I have another table, so no eating in front of the computer!

H+: How does a daily practice of isolation and social distancing impact your working world?

M: I do miss sharing lunch or playing a ping pong game now and then, but talking with someone over the phone serves in a similar way when you feel like taking a break. For work meetings are more than enough digital tools.

H+: Now that we have limited access to nature and social settings, what do you do to exercise your brain and stay inspired?

M: Even though I live in a big city, nature isn't hard to access from where I am, going for a long walk a couple of times a week are good enough. Not missing the pub as much I thought I would! Inspiration starts with an idea, and becomes a thing or not depending on how much you work on it. None of that has changed at all.

H+: Have you discovered any hidden talents you can offer to potential clients looking for remote assistance?

M: The only talent I think I have is working hard. I surely went deep into it over the past few weeks.

H+: This has been an overwhelming and stressful time for so many people. Can you share some advice for coping while being a creative?

M: I think it's a good time to think seriously about what you want to do next. Sometimes we accept work we are not completely convinced about and end up committed with something we don't enjoy. I personally will make sure that won't happen again, or at least I'll try!

In the meantime just keep on working on what you are good at and enjoy.

H+: Everyone needs a solid playlist to listen to while staying on task. Name your favorite music to work to!

M: I really like Max Cooper and Daniel Avery, I know is a bit lazy but I just listen to them a lot a let the algorithm surprises me.

For more infromation on Martin Salfity, visit his website and follow him on Instagram!



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